Shop Happenin’s EOM March 2019
The NMCA race in Commerce, GA is coming up, so a lot of the focus has been on getting ready for that. Today, it was on the lift having the Continue Reading →
The NMCA race in Commerce, GA is coming up, so a lot of the focus has been on getting ready for that. Today, it was on the lift having the Continue Reading →
as seen at www.ScreaminWoody.com No, no motor yet. Still waiting on the rotating to get delivered to the Machine Shop. However, some progress was made to prepare for the engine’s Continue Reading →
Here’s a recap of the Happenings in my MoparStyle Racing shop in the last week. Texas Thug If you followed the hood ejection story at the Bradenton race earlier in Continue Reading →
Deb and I arrived at track Monday night, and set up the pit on Tuesday. Wednesday: On Wednesday, I was one of about 30 people who ponied up $250 to Continue Reading →