Promotional Offer
The Founder Promotion allows the first 100 Hosted WordPress accounts on Nostalgia WordPress the promotional price of $99 a year – regularly $24.99 month. This price is perpetual and Grandfathered to the customer so long as the subscription is not cancelled. After the first 100, this promotion will disappear. In other words, if you can see this promotion, it still exists. If you never cancel your Subscription, your price never increases.
You may cancel your Paypal subscription at any time, on your Paypal account, and your hosting will continue until the anniversary date has expired. WordPress provides you with a tool (in your WordPress Admin Panel) to backup your site to your computer – so you can install elsewhere – should you ever desire.
Should you ever cancel your subscription, your Grandfather Promotional Price of $99 will end, and renewal will be at current prevailing price, should you wish to continue having your site hosted with NDR.